
User Guide


Duke is a task manager application that uses Command Line Interface(CLI) and is suitable for those who like to manage their tasks by typing.

How to Use

  1. Ensure that your computer has Java 11 or above, if not download it from here.
  2. Download the latest release of the application here.
  3. After downloading the jar file, run your terminal and go to the directory in which the jar file is located, then run java -jar duke-0.2.jar. The application will start after running the command.
  4. Now, you should be able to type in some commands in the application. Refer to the below section to find out different commands that you can use in the application.


Add task

Use the keywords todo, deadline, and event to add different types of task into your todo list. All types of task must contain task description. For deadline and event must contain date/time information.


todo [task description] - will add a new todo task with task description.

deadline [task description] /by [dd/mm/yyyy HHmm] - will add a new deadline that should be finished by the specified date and time.

event [task description] /at [dd/mm/yyyy HHmm] - will add a new event that will happen at the specifed date and time.

Example of usage:

todo borrow book - will add a new todo task with task description of borrow book into your todo list application.

deadline return book /by 02/02/2019 1900 - will add a new deadline with task description return book and has a deadline on 2nd February 2019, 7pm.

event social gathering /at 02/02/2019 1900 - will add a new event with task description social gathering that will happen on 2nd February 2019, 7pm.

Delete Task

Use the keyword delete to delete a task from your list of tasks.


delete [task number] - will delete a task associated with the task number that is specified.

Example of usage:

delete 2 - will delete the 2nd task in the list of tasks. If there is no task number 2, an error will be thrown.

Find Task

Use the keyword find to find a certain task by it’s task description.


find [task description] - will find all the tasks that have a keyword that is specified in task description.

Example of usage:

find borrow - will find all the tasks that have a task description relating to ‘borrow’.

Mark a task as done

Use the keyword done to update the status of the task to done


done [task number] - will mark the task that is associated with task number to done.

Example of usage:

done 2 - will mark the task number 2 to done. If there is no task number 2, an error will be thrown.

Get all the tasks

Use the keyword list to get all the tasks that you have in your list.


list - will show all the tasks the list.

Sort the task:

Use the keyword sortby to sort the tasks in the list according to the category. Currently, only deadline is available as the category.


sortby [category] - will sort the tasks based on the category that is specified.

Example of usage:

sortby deadline - will sort the tasks based on their deadline.

Exiting the application

Use the keyword bye to exit the application.

Saving and loading

Currently saving and loading is automatic whenever you specify a command.